Wine Calories

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Wine Calorie Chart

Brut Champagne1 glass (200g)164 cal
Cabernet Sauvignon1 glass, small (100g)83 cal
Cava1 glass (100g)75 cal
Champagne1 glass, small (100g)83 cal
Chardonnay 1 glass, small (100g)84 cal
Cider1 glass (250g)118 cal
Malbec 1 glass (200g)172 cal
Marsala Wine1 portion (30g)35 cal
Merlot1 glass, small (100g)83 cal
Moscato Wine1 portion (187g)140 cal
Mulled Wine1 glass (200g)213 cal
Non Alcoholic Wine1 glass, small (100g)15 cal
Pinot Gris1 glass, small (100g)83 cal
Pinot Noir1 glass, small (100g)82 cal
Plum Wine1 glass (200g)212 cal
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Wine Types and Healthy Recommendations

Wine is thought to have originated in Chinese, Persian, and Italian early civilizations. It has since evolved into the many varieties and types that we know now. Some of these include champagne, prosecco, rose wine, and many others. A beverage made from grapes or other fruits that have then been fermented, wines can boast a few healthy properties. There have been studies linking moderate red wine consumption with heart-healthy properties, for example, thanks to its contained antioxidants. In moderation, wine can also be a relatively low-calorie beverage.

As with any other alcoholic beverage, moderation is key. Dietary guidelines recommend a limit of 1 glass per day or fewer for women and 2 glasses or fewer for men. Maintaining these moderations ensures healthy heart and liver functioning as well as keeping the alcoholic calories to a minimum. Another healthy strategy can be to mix ½ a glass of wine with a carbonated drink, such as seltzer or tonic water. This can help counteract the alcohol’s dehydrating effects and reduce your overall calorie intake. Using a smaller glass can also help to keep your intake lower.

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